A music video for the song “Hang Gliding” by Frankie Lee. Allegory Imaging involvement included all camera work and editing.
A music video for the song "Watani Ana (I am my Homeland)" by classical artist Malek Jandali. Produced by Origin Nile Films. Allegory Imaging involvement included all outside video and all stills.
A music video for the song "You Make Me Wanna" from two time Grammy winner Eshe featuring movie actor Omari Hardwick. Produced by Origin Nile Films. Allegory Imaging involvement included most camera work and lighting.
Music video or the song “Superstar” by Kin Kade. Produced by Origin Nile Films. Allegory Imaging involvement included camera work, lighting and creative input on some scenes.
A commercial for Atlanta March of Dimes Bikers for Babies charity event. Produced by Origin Nile Films. Allegory Imaging involvement included most video and all stills.
A second commercial for Atlanta March of Dimes Bikers for Babies charity event. Produced by Origin Nile Films. Allegory Imaging involvement included some video and all stills.
A music video for the song "I Do It for the World" by the Hip Hop group "B.A.M.". Produced by Origin Nile Films. Allegory Imaging involvement included all camera work.
A marketing video for Pro Martial Arts featuring the East Cobber Parade. Produced by Origin Nile Films. Allegory Imaging involvement included all video and stills.
A music video for the song “A Day in the Life” by Hip Hop artist Kin Kade. Produced by Origin Nile Films. Allegory Imaging involvement included most camera work.
The word allegory is defined as a representation of an abstract or spiritual meaning through concrete or material forms. With my photography I seek to capture more than the interesting people, places and perspectives of life I am blessed to gaze upon. I also seek to arouse a greater appreciation in the viewer for life itself by also capturing the extraordinary in the ordinary, the spirit behind the face, the emotion of the moment and the shades of color and light this incredible journey we call life provides. Allegory Imaging is the term I like to use to describe what I seek to do with my camera.
I have had a passion for photography since my first decent camera, which was a Canon AE-1 purchased back in 1983. My passion was limited however, by film and development costs. With my first DSLR, a Canon 10D purchased in 2004, I was really able to feed my passion properly with the costs eliminated and the benefits of immediate feedback. From then on I was able to improve my craft while the cameras I used also improved dramatically. With my purchase of the Canon 5D Mark II I had the ability to do film quality HD video and it was not long till I found opportunities to utilize that capability. Like the camera manufactures I will always strive to continually improve and there will always be that next grander vision of what I want to do with a camera.
I enjoy freedom and will do my best to avoid getting locked into any genre of photography. Variety will hopefully keep my pictures fresh, interesting and creative. I am always looking for something I have not shot before and that will usually be my highest priority when it comes to competing opportunities. Whatever I decide to shoot, whether for myself or hire, I approach it with a joyful professionalism. For me photography is not work. I enjoy it and the people and places I get to experience while shooting. However, I am also after capturing the best possible images and I will make sure that this happens. I take commitments very seriously and if I make a commitment to shoot anything count on me being there early and ready to do what I love to do.
Whatever your reason for visiting this site I hope you find the visit enjoyable and stimulating.